Not talking about a Lenten dish or even clothes! Haha!
Talking about how to “test” oneself. Everyone has already
decided on their Lenten sacrifice by now. But, what is Lent all about? It’s
about our relationship with God…that’s why it’s a private thing and we
shouldn’t tell others what our sacrifices are. It’s okay to talk about
different ways to sacrifice. This is helpful to others and does not jeopardize
what you’ve done privately.
So, I’d like to talk about how one can extend their Lenten
sacrifices beyond what we’ve decided to do. We can always do better and give
ourselves more to work on.
Mortification…what does it mean, really? Once we understand
that flesh and soul are in constant opposition of one another, then we know we
must keep the flesh under control, even subdued. St. Paul tells us: “If you
live after the flesh", says the apostle, "you shall die, but if
through the spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live"
(Romans 8:13; cf. also Colossians 3:5, and Galatians 5:24).
We are creatures of comfort, to feel good about ourselves,
we may tend to injure others. Calumny or slander cause character assassination.
To eat, we may over eat which is gluttony. To sleep or rest, we may become
lazy, slothful. If you cover the 7 Deadly Sins…you see they are all connected
to our body in some way. But, God gives us the virtues to combat them.
For now…let us work on what I like to call “layering”
because we don’t have to limit ourselves to one specific sacrifice during Lent…or
any time for that matter. We have temptations every day and there are a million
and one ways to combat them. I like the idea of “practicing” mortification
willingly and we don’t have to beat ourselves to do it. We only beat our will
in to submission and that is a win win proposition for those of us who are
positive people. Do you want to hear God? Talk to him…don’t ramble…speak to God
in a way that says, “I’m trying to be a good and obedient child because I love
you as I see all the beauty you offer in life and therefore, how much you have
loved me first. Me, who is mostly unworthy in so many ways to be loved like you
love me. Teach me to love like you do.”
So…let’s practice denial in many ways. Say you did not give
up sweets for Lent…that is fine…but when you want a piece of cake and you know
you REALLY want that piece of cake…stop…don’t take it! A moment of victory over
the “want” of the body. Say you DID give up sweets…how about denying yourself that
cup of coffee that you really need this morning? Will you be grumpy without that
coffee? Well…if you are going to kick the dog or scream at your family maybe
that isn’t the best option for you. OR…you can offer it up and not be grumpy! Maybe
you just want to sit on the computer instead of playing with your kids or offering
a neighbor help with theirs? Little things that can be layered can give us
great control over ourselves far beyond even the big ones as we are “in the moment”.
Why wait to be tested by patience? Why not SEEK out
something to be impatient about and practice patience instead? If you hate long lines…go into
the longest line you can find. Tell yourself you are doing this to learn
patience. Smile…that will help! If you hate talking to people, stand there and
talk to someone. If you hate the idea of a checker being grumpy…think of
something nice to say to brighten their day.
There are soo many opportunities in a day and we just don’t
even recognize them sometimes.
So…go on and have some fun with Lenten Layering…you might
surprise yourself because it is all a test…between you and God…and no one else.
Talk to Him about it before you start, while you are doing it…whisper… “I do
this for you because I love you and because you have loved me so deeply. I want
to be with you in eternity someday.” And don’t be all sack cloth and ashes.
Understand that Jesus went through His time of suffering and His time of
rejoicing. Do this with a positive attitude as, just like Jesus knew the
outcome of His suffering…joy and redemption…we too, know that we can then enjoy
the good God gives us here on earth and strive for heaven. He has given us beautiful sunsets, rivers,
mountains, birds, morning dew…the list goes on and on. Realize you also will
rejoice with him after Lent! You will have triumphed over the sinful nature of
the body and once learning a bit of control…God also wants us to enjoy the
beauty He created!
May you have a blessed Lent!
This is Elvira up at the Bunkhouse on the Silver Spur Ranch…