About Us:

..leave that dusty trail an' stop on in. Up at the Bunkhouse is where we'll be, enjoyin' our family, faith & a whole lotta friends.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Horses!!!

Howdy! Well, we didn't get the tile in yet...but guess what we DID get? LOL! Yep..you read that right...new horses! Our old horse Babe is really enjoying this as she thinks they belong to "her" and that she now has her own gymkhana/rodeo as everyone gets out there with their lead ropes & horses doing ground work! We got them from a family who is having to transfer out of state, so it would be fitting as we just traveled the same trail ourselves recently.

Guess I'd better introduce all the new members to the Bunkhouse!

"Annie" is a papered Quarter Horse mare & she is 8yrs old.

"Star" is Black Arabian mare with a star on her forehead & she's 10yrs. old. We are working on trying to get her papers...

"Cowboy" is a papered Arabian Gelding & he is 9yrs old.

And of course...not to be left out...our old horse Babe...to whom all of these "belong"! LOL! She's 24yrs old & counting, a papered Arabian Chestnut colored mare with Egyptian lines and has been trained to open gates, "dance" in parades & in general is an all around great horse. Btw, she is overseeing the other horses to make sure they behave themselves...HER pasture is the one closest to the house so she can also keep an eye on her humans to make sure they feed her when SHE feels we've slept long enough! Yes, yes...she can't wait until we get chickens and a rooster again, but she does know how to make the dogs bark to wake the humans when necessary! Heehee!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Remodel Underway...

So...we are all workin' fools around here! First step is the tear outs...tore out the old paneling! Tore out old carpet & old linoleum tiles.

Then, comes new construction in some areas, including putting up drywall, then taping, texturing & painting! We all have our talents & the WHOLE family gets involved!

I design & Kelly is in charge of new construction:

It's  been great to homeschool with all we typically do as a family...LIFE becomes the courses they study. Construction, Electrical, Flooring, Masonry, Automotive, Leather Tooling, Equine...well...think you've got the idea!